Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Report
Now Available

From coast to coast—and in Santa Clara County—America’s nonprofit arts and culture organizations are providing inspiration and joy to residents, beautifying public spaces, and strengthening community pride and identity. Arts and culture organizations are also businesses. They employ people locally, purchase goods and services from nearby businesses, and produce the authentic cultural experiences that are magnets for visitors, tourists, and new residents.

Arts and Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) provides compelling evidence that the nonprofit arts and culture sector is a significant industry in Santa Clara County—one that generated $384.5 million in total economic activity during 2022. This study sends a strong signal that, even in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting recession, the nonprofit arts and culture is a formidable industry. AEP6 demonstrates that when we support the arts, we are investing in Santa Clara County’s economic and community well-being.

Read and download the AEP6 National Report Summary (PDF) here.