Big Ideas, Deep Dives

SVMindshare is a new kind of roundtable that enlightens, inspires, and encourages. One that offers outside expertise and practical tools and strategies for the issues most relevant to your work. Leaders in the arts need dedicated time to reflect and recharge with their peers in the field. SVMindshare meets regularly in small group discussion sessions to dive deep into the most pressing questions facing the cultural sector today. Over the course of the series, arts leaders develop invaluable new networks, a better understanding of challenges across artistic disciplines, and increased confidence in their own leadership capacity.

What We Do

We facilitate a series of roundtable conversations devoted to high-level topics affecting cultural leaders' work, calling, and industry, including strategic planning, success metrics, work and life balance, best practices, and arts advocacy.

Who We Serve
  • Management-level nonprofit arts leaders (staff or board) seeking to strengthen their peer network and to play a role in the greater Santa Clara County arts community
  • Collaborative thinkers committed to a culture of learning and sharing
  • Preference given to representatives of current or recent SVCREATES grantee partners
Why It’s Important

As established creative sector leaders retire and the arts nonprofit model is challenged by the forces of digital culture, demographic shifts, and the changing nature of “creative consumption,” it is vital to leverage local talent, prepare the sector for the next generation of audiences, navigate new economic realities, and bridge the past with the future. The critical role the arts play in our local communities has never been more evident, and an activated network of leaders with a common language will provide voice and visibility to the sector.

What’s Been Done
    • Completed six-year-long series of SVMindshare
    • Served over 60 local arts leaders from a diverse range of backgrounds and artistic disciplines throughout Santa Clara County. 
    • Enabled the formation of deep relationships, collaborative programming,  advocacy, and peer support during challenging times and triumphs.
    What’s Next
    • Applications are now open for the 2024-25 SVMindshare program. Preview the application in the sidebar to the right or click the Apply button to get started. The application deadline is August 9, 2024. The 2024-25 program will include five lunchtime meetings between September 2024 and May 2025. All sessions will meet in person in San Jose. Dates are listed on the application.
    • This program is an opportunity to step away from your day-to-day work and commit time to your leadership growth. Participants will be expected to leave their work behind and come prepared to be present and engaged.
    • Contact Alyssa Erickson, SVCREATES Program Director, with any questions: 
SVMindshare 2023-24 Cohort

Aly Gould

Pacific Art League of Palo Alto

DeAnna Pursai

College of Adaptive Arts

Ivette Deltoro

Teatro Visión

Jessica Punzalan

Local Color

Kathryn Sanwick

Peninsula Women's Chorus

Kimberly Snyder

New Museum Los Gatos

Leianne Lamb

Contemporary Asian Theater Scene

Melissa Jones

Silicon Valley Shakespeare

Pedro (Aquihua) Perez

Calpulli Tonalehqueh Aztec Dance

Ruben Dario Villa

Gilroy Arts Roundtable / Gilroy Arts and Culture Commission / SJ Public Arts Advisory Council

Samuel Cortez Balderas

Los Lupeños De San José

Stephanie Barajas

Center for Cultural Innovation / genARTS Silicon Valley

Viera Whye

San Jose Multicultural Artists Guild

SVMindshare Alums (2017-2022)

Wilson Alexander Aguilar

Sinjin Jones

Lee Ann Payne

Mary Beth Anderson

Stacey Crespo Kellogg

Robert Pesich

Lauren Baines

Patrick Klein

Karen Rapp

Nancy Bavor

Max Koknar

Dalia Rawson

Doug Brook

Joshua Lanam

Rosalinda Sanchez

David Brown

Lucy Larson

Elizabeth Santana

Matt Casey

Gordon Lee

Cheryl Scales

Bobby Chastain

Trudy Levy

Mattie Scariot

Trami Cron

Tamara Liu

Angela Shillace

Chloe Crotzer

Sally Logothetti

Louis Stone-Collonge

Priya Das

Andrew Lowd

Vinita Sud Belani

Ami Davis

Heidi Lubin

Moses Taylor

Tony Ferrigno

Christine Mendoza

Annalisa Tkacheff

Charles Frost

Kim Mesa

Bree von Faith

Nadine Frush

Verónica Meza

Ann Watts

Carman Gaines

Shoko Michael

James Williams

Barbara Galiotto

Dawn Murakami

Sonja Wohlgemuth

Leigh Henderson

Kristina Nakagawa

Lihong Zhang

"Highly relevant, both personally
and professionally."

"I got just what I hoped for
ideas on how to do my job better
and excellent professional

"The fact that this program is
tailored to arts executives
separates it from other
leadership programs."

"Alyssa Byrkit (program facilitator)
is a gift: thoughtful, responsive,
compassionate, touching us
spiritually as well as intellectually.
Leaving each meeting feeling
inspired to keep going, and
sometimes with a new thing to try,
has been most helpful."

"The most powerful tool SVCREATES can provide is the supportive network you have built for all local nonprofit arts organizations. You keep us regularly connected, allowing us time and space to listen and learn from our colleagues. Maintaining this unwavering and supportive network is invaluable."