The Arts are Alive in Gilroy

Guest Blog: The Arts are Alive in Gilroy

This month, we are pleased to feature a guest blog from Zach Hilton, Gilroy City Council Member, about the power of the arts. This letter was first printed in the Gilroy Dispatch.

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Nestled in the heart of Downtown Gilroy, the La Ofrenda Festival—Gilroy’s second annual Día de Muertos Festival & Wellness Fair from 1-7pm Nov. 2—will be an extraordinary event and is more than just a day of festivities; it’s an immersive experience that embraces the essence of Día de Muertos—a time when families come together to honor their departed loved ones and celebrate the eternal bond between the living and the deceased. 

With vibrant ofrendas (altars) adorned with marigold flowers, moving performances, a community bike ride and a variety of talented artists, our festival promises an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression on the South County community and beyond.