Shakexperience: Sunset
What We Did
In partnership with Aroha Philanthropies and their Vitality Arts Initiative, SVCREATES prototyped ShakeXperience as a strategy for engaging older adults in a meaningful exploration of Shakespeare’s work through theatrical performance and literary art (drama, poetry, and prose) workshops. This is part of a national conversation about engaging seniors in the arts and demonstrating the benefits of this engagement for our aging population.
Who We Served
ShakeXperience was offered to a small group of participants over the age of 55 at a Community Center or senior living facility. Our intention was to test a series of “artful aging” programs throughout our community.
Why It Was Important
Early research suggests that the skills used in acting programs help strengthen memory and cognitive function, and improve participants’ general sense of psychological well-being. This program encourages intellectual and emotional engagement and social interaction through the arts for senior adults. The experience of reading and performing pieces aloud provides additional opportunity for physical and emotional engagement.
What Was Done
- Completed three workshops at Camden Community Center in collaboration with the City of San José’s Parks and Recreation Department
- Completed workshops in Morgan Hill and in Downtown San José in 2018
What’s Next
- Evaluation, analysis, and exploration of sustainable program models
- Decided to sunset the program due to lack of funding and local interest